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Congressman Pfluger Announces Colonel Charles & JoAnne Powell VA Renaming Bill

Thursday, Congressman August Pfluger held a press conference announcing his bill to rename the Department of Veterans Affairs community-based outpatient clinic in San Angelo, Texas, the "Colonel Charles and JoAnne Powell VA Clinic" in honor of Colonel Charles Powell, former Wing Commander at Goodfellow Air Force Base, and his wife JoAnne, a cherished congressional staff member for the 11th District of Texas for over 35 years.

Congressman Pfluger was joined by Retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Ronnie D. Hawkins Jr., President of Angelo State University, and Col. Andres Nazario, Commander of the 17th Training Wing at Goodfellow Air Force Base, who both offered their support for renaming the VA clinic in honor of Colonel Powell and JoAnne.

Colonel Powell and JoAnne’s daughter Terri Powell McKinney and grandson Colin McKinney were also in attendance.

Following the event, Congressman Pfluger released a statement:

“Colonel Powell and JoAnne served our country and this community with character and dignity—living their lives completely devoted to the service of others,” said Congressman August Pfluger. “Renaming the VA Clinic here in San Angelo after these two legends could not be more fitting, as they both passionately supported our military members throughout their entire lives. Our Nation is a better place because of their unparalleled patriotism and love for our country, but nowhere is the impact of their service felt more than right here in San Angelo.

“It is with great pleasure that I announce this legislation, the first step in changing the name of the clinic to honor these two heroes. I look forward to shepherding this initiative through the legislative process so that every veteran who walks in for care at the clinic, and every person in the community who drives by, will be reminded of, and inspired by the service of Charles and JoAnne.”

Transcription of Congressman Pfluger’s remarks available here.