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2025 Inauguration Tickets

2025 Inauguration Ticket Request

The 60th Presidential Inauguration will take place on Monday, January 20, 2025, on the west front of the U.S. Capitol. The Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies (JCCIC) is responsible for planning and carrying out the ceremony. For more information about the day's activities and inaugural history, please visit

Each member of Congress will receive a limited allotment of tickets to share with constituents. To join Congressman Pfluger's guest list for tickets, please fill out the form below in its entirety. Our office will follow up as we begin to approach the inauguration to provide updates on ticket distribution, security information, and other details to plan your visit. 

Filling out the form does not guarantee tickets to the event.

*Note that tickets are standing room only and solely provide access to the President and Vice-Presidential swearing in. For more information on the inaugural festivities, please visit The Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies website.*
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