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FBI Director Wray Confirms to Pfluger that the Border Crisis is a Major Homeland Security Threat

WASHINGTON, DC — Congressman August Pfluger questioned Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Christopher Wray in a Homeland Security Committee hearing examining global threats to the U.S. homeland and America’s interests abroad. 

In his questioning, Counterterrorism Subcommittee Chairman Pfluger demanded answers from Wray and Mayorkas on the detainment of individuals on the terrorist watchlist. Both openly admitted that there are known or suspected terrorists (KST) who have not been detained by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Wray admitted that the FBI is still attempting to locate individuals on the terrorist watch list who have crossed into the United States. Watch here or read a transcript of Congressman Pfluger's line of questioning below.

Congressman Pfluger:

“If somebody is listed as a special interest alien or a KST…is that a concerning person, somebody who could harm the United States?”


Wray answered:

“To be on the watchlist as a KST means that they have met the standard to be of concern.”


Pfluger pressed:

“Are there people that are listed in these numbers, I think the number was 169 [last fiscal year], are there people that you are still searching for that we don’t know where they are in the U.S.?”

Wray answered, in part: 

“I’m not sure I can answer that here because it’s a constantly moving target.” 

When pressed again, Wray answered:

“One of the areas that we are of concern is individuals who, once here, information later comes in that identifies them–”

Pfluger asked:

“Are there people that you don’t know where they are that the FBI is searching for today? Yes or no.”

Wray concluded:


Pfluger then asked Mayorkas:

“Is there a policy at DHS that requires CBP or any other agency involved with the vetting of individuals who match this terror watchlist that requires these individuals to be detained?”

Mayorkas answered:

“On Sept. 30th of 2021, I promulgated a policy that articulated clearly and expressly that individuals who pose a threat to public safety–”


Pfluger asked:

“Is there a policy at DHS and CBP that requires the detainment of people on the terror watchlist?”


Mayorkas answered:

“Individuals who pose a threat to public safety or national security are a priority for enforcement, and if in fact they pose such a threat, they are to be detained.”


Pfluger asked:

“So why did you release people in the United States that matched the terror watchlist?”

Mayorkas answered:

“We do not release individuals whose—”


Pfluger continued:

“So, you have detained every single person who matched the terror watchlist that you apprehended at the Southern border?”

Mayorkas answered:

“If we believe that the detention of an individual is necessary to safeguard the safety of the American people.”

Pfluger asked:

“If you or any other agency labels somebody as a match to the terror watchlist, do you immediately detain them?”

Mayorkas answered:

“We make a determination in the execution of our law enforcement responsibilities to detain an individual if that detention is necessary.”

Pfluger asked:

“I believe based on your testimony and based on Director Wray’s that there are people that you are still searching for that you should’ve detained.”