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Pfluger Fly-By Newsletter

Pfluger Fly-By: June 30, 2023

Preventing Biden from Declaring A Climate Change National Emergency
This week, I reintroduced the Real Emergencies Act with U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.). Our bill clarifies that the President does not have the authority to declare a national emergency on the premise of climate change.
President Biden and his radical administration are working around the clock to destroy American-made reliable energy sources. The Real Emergencies Act will prevent the White House from distracting our country from real emergencies - like skyrocketing inflation and record-high energy costs - by declaring climate change a national emergency. We will ensure that President Biden does not abuse the power of his office to pursue his anti-American energy agenda against the will of the American people.
Read more by clicking here.
Supreme Court Rules Against Affirmative Action
Thursday, the Supreme Court ruled in a landmark decision that universities and colleges cannot consider race in their admissions processes.
The Supreme Court’s decision to ban affirmative action is a positive step towards ensuring Americans will not be rejected from an educational opportunity based on the color of their skin. The college admissions process must now return to individuality, merit, and equal opportunity.
SCOTUS Overturns Biden’s Student Loan Bailout Program
This morning, the Supreme Court overturned President Biden's vote-grabbing student loan program. This ruling marks a crucial victory for fiscal responsibility, individual accountability, and the principles that underpin our economic system. President Biden’s $400 billion student loan bailout program was wrong from the start, and now the Supreme Court has rightly ruled it unconstitutional. Hard-working Americans should not be burdened with increased taxes to pay the bills for those who willingly took on—and have yet to pay off—their debts. This is a huge win for taxpayers across the country.
Meeting You in Texas-11
Throughout the week, I have had the honor of hosting fantastic town hall meetings in Midland and Llano as well as 'Coffee with the Congressman' events in Odessa and Horseshoe Bay.
It's always wonderful to be home in the district providing updates directly from Washington. I appreciate hearing your thoughts and ideas on how we can get our country back on track. If I missed you, keep an eye out in the Fly-By or on social media for future events.
Thank You to the Permian Basin Petroleum Association
It was an honor to speak at the Permian Basin Petroleum Association luncheon and provide a congressional update on the state of play of federal energy policy! It was a privilege to engage with industry leaders and discuss the vital role of the Permian Basin in driving America's energy independence.
I'm grateful for the opportunity to advocate for our energy sector and work towards a prosperous energy future for all!
(Photos Courtesy of James Durbin,The Oilfield Photographer)
Biden's Experts Simply "Don't Know"
The "experts" President Biden has placed in charge of our country's energy and national security at the Department of Energy, Department of Homeland Security, Environmental Protection Agency, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation cannot even answer basic questions related to their areas of expertise. Americans deserve better.
WATCH me question numerous Biden Administration officials here or below.
Biden Weaponizes a Lizard Against the Livelihoods of Texans
The Biden Administration's U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service today announced that they are listing the dunes sagebrush lizard as “endangered” under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
Don't be fooled, this listing is just another attempt at shutting down drilling in the Permian Basin. The Administration is using a lizard to decimate an entire industry and our nation’s energy security—while destroying the intent of the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
I have already introduced the Listing Reform Act, which reforms the ESA to deliver reasonable, common-sense protections for endangered species while preventing overbearing regulations coming from Washington, DC, and I will continue to work against these targeted listings. Don’t mess with oil & gas.
Investing in Defense: Firehawk Aerospace in Midland
I had the pleasure of touring Firehawk Aerospace's test site in Midland this past week. It was great being on the ground and seeing firsthand the important work they're doing to improve our defense capabilities. As a fighter pilot, I know how important development in the air and space industries is to maintaining a competitive edge.
Biden Must Declassify ALL Intelligence Related to COVID-19
This past week, the Director of National Intelligence failed to release sufficient information related to the federal government’s report on the origins of COVID-19.
The truth about COVID-19 and its origins has been hidden from Americans for over three years. Congress passed legislation to declassify information about the origins of the pandemic so the information could be available to all Americans. Despite the bill being signed into law, the Biden Administration is refusing to comply. The report released by the Director of National Intelligence is unacceptable. The President must follow the law and release all the facts immediately.
Joining News Talk 550 KCRS
Earlier this week, I went into the studio to join Kris Moore and Spencer Bennett on News Talk 550 KCRS to discuss a variety of topics including America's Energy Policy and the attacks on it from the Biden Administration, the Biden Electric Vehicle mandate, and the two-tiered justice system I'm fighting against in Washington. Clickhereor below to listen!
The People's House is OPEN!
Thanks to the new Republican majority in the House of Representatives, the U.S. Capitol is back OPEN for tours! I would love to see you in Washington—book a tour on my website here.
Julie Efferson and Monte Sims of San Angelo stopped by the Washington D.C. office before their Capitol tour this week. Thank you for stopping by and visiting our nation's capital!
Thank you for reading. It is the honor of my lifetime to serve you in Congress. Please follow me onFacebook,Instagram, andTwitterfor daily updates.
Rep. August Pfluger
Member of Congress