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Pfluger Fly-By Newsletter

Pfluger Fly-By: June 23, 2023

Anti-U.S. Regimes Taking Advantage of Chaos at Southwest Border
We are witnessing significant increases in encounters at the southwest border with individuals from countries of concern like the People's Republic of China (PRC) and Russia.
As Chairman of the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence, I held a hearing this week to examine the threats posed to the U.S. homeland by malign nation-state actors in Central and South America. The chaos of the southwest border could be taken advantage of by anti-U.S. regimes. Meanwhile, the PRC and our foreign adversaries are expanding their spheres of influence in Latin America—essentially in our backyard.
As they grow their diplomatic, economic, and military activities in the region, there are clear implications for U.S. homeland security. Recent data released by the United States Customs and Border Protection shows a steep increase in encounters with foreign nationals from the PRC, Russia, Cuba, and Venezuela, amongst others, at our southwest border.
To watch my full opening statement, please clickhereor watch below.
Biden Impeachment Investigation Referred to Homeland Security Committee
ThisinvestigationintoPresident Biden’s mishandling of our national security has been rightlyreferredtotheHomelandSecurity Committee with my vote. I’m proudtorepresent the Lone Star State on the committee now charged with this responsibility. Our work will be thorough, responsible, and constitutional – unlike the work of Democrat-led shamimpeachments. It’s time for ustolay out the facts for the American people.
Biden EPA Official Pushing EVs Doesn't Know How Much Electricity the U.S. Needs
During a hearing on the Energy and Commerce Committee, I questioned Joe Goffman, the Deputy Assistant Administrator of the Office of Air and Radiation at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Goffman was appointed by President Biden to help lead the EPA in their mission to kill fossil fuels and mandate expensive, unrealistic Electric Vehicles. I asked him a simple question: how much electricity does the United States need? He couldn't give me an answer.
Just a few weeks ago, Jennifer Granholm, the Secretary of the Department of Energy,couldn’t answer the question either. This is extremely concerning considering these are the people dictating our Nation’s energy policy and driving costs up for all Americans.
President Biden was in the Room with Hunter
Yesterday, House Republicans revealed the testimony of two International Revenue Service (IRS) whistleblowers working on Hunter Biden's tax evasion case. The whistleblowers outline direct corruption at the IRS, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) in the investigation of Hunter Biden.
They reveal that Hunter Biden received money from Ukraine, China, and Romania, and that the Biden DOJ engaged in attempts to delay the investigation and withhold information.
Notably, the whistleblower exposed a WhatsApp message stating that Joe Biden waswithHunter when he demanded money from Chinese national Henry Zhao. Zhao's company paid Hunter at least $100,000. The July 30, 2017 message from Hunter Biden to Zhao read:
"I am sitting here with my fatherand we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled.Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight.And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman,I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction.I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father."
This directly contradicts Joe Biden's repeated statements on the campaign trail in 2019 when he said "I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings." Hunter's own messages confirm that he was in the room.
Americans deserve a justice system that treats everyone equally under the law. I am proud to join House Republicans in exposing the corruption in our government and holding the guilty accountable.
Blocking the Biden Administration's 'ESG' Propaganda
ESG, or as I like to call it the 'Eradicating Society Gradually' movement, is one of the most significant threats facing our energy and national security sectors and the entire underpinnings of our pro-growth economy.
Unfortunately, the Biden Administration is focused on advancing their ESG scheme and propping up companies that promote a far-left agenda of environmental extremism, Critical Race Theory, and more. This misguided crusade drains capital from our domestic energy companies and drives up costs for all American households.
This week, I joined Rep. Andy Barr (R-KY) in introducing legislation to restore investment in sound industries and take the politics out of critical investments in American energy. Read more about ithere.
Holding Corrupt Politicians Accountable: Censuring Rep. Adam Schiff
Representative Adam Schiff, the former Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, abused his position of power to lie to the American people for years and perpetuate a false narrative about the Steele Dossier to justify the sham investigation into Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. Even after President Trump’s election, Rep. Schiff continued to purposefully spread disinformation.
To deliver accountability for intentionally misleading the American people, I voted to censure Rep. Schiff for abusing his position of power on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI).
House Republicans are delivering accountability to the American people. We will not allow years of lies and promotion of a foreign malign influence campaign to go unpunished.
National Champions: 2023 Angelo State Rams Baseball Team
Congratulations to the 2023 NCAA Division II National Championship Angelo State University Rams Baseball Team. Their win is a source of pride for our entire community. Well done, champions!
To watch my full remarks congratulating the Rams on their championship season, clickhereor watch below.
Congressional Art Competiton Winner in Washington
Meeting with the First Place winner of the 2023 Congressional Art Competition Winner, San Saba High School senior Andrea Rodriguez, in Washington, D.C. was great! Her piece titled “El Vaquero,” which depicts a man and horse during golden hour, will hang in the U.S. Capitol building for a full year where visitors and Members of Congress can view it.
Students: start thinking about and working on your artwork for next year's competition. It's an awesome opportunity for artists in Texas-11 to be recognized for their talents.
Literacy Coalition of the Permian Basin
I had the pleasure of meeting with John Trischitti of the Literacy Coalition of the Permian Basin in my Washington, D.C. office. Thank you for the work your organization does to educate the next generation in our community. I enjoyed our conversation on how to improve literacy among adults and children in the Permian Basin!
Upcoming Events Next Week
I will be in the district next week hosting multiple public events. All the details are below. I hope to see you there!
Thank you for reading. It is the honor of my lifetime to serve you in Congress. Please follow me onFacebook,Instagram, andTwitterfor daily updates.
Rep. August Pfluger
Member of Congress