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Pfluger Delivers Wins in First 100 Days of Republican Majority

Washington D.C., April 17, 2023 | Lyssa Bell (202-225-3605)

WASHINGTON, DC — Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) released a statement marking the first 100 days of the House Republican Majority, which falls on April 17, 2023. 


Rep. August Pfluger: “House Republicans made a Commitment to America to deliver an economy that’s strong, a nation that’s safe, a future that’s built on freedom, and a government that’s accountable. I am proud to be a leader in Congress working to keep our promises and deliver results on behalf of the 11th District of Texas.”



  • 10 Public Town Hall Meetings. 
  • 167 Constituent Service Cases Resolved.
  • 14 of 20 Counties Visited.
  • 15 Bills Sponsored.
  • 2 Provisions Passed the House.
  • 2 Pro-Life Amicus Briefs Filed.
  • 2 Field Hearings on the Border.
  • Hosted the Energy & Commerce Committee in the Permian Basin.


  • Passed the  118th Congress Rules Package in order to create the most Member-driven, open, transparent, and accountable House of Representatives to date.
  • Re-opened the People’s House to the American people after being locked down for two years under Nancy Pelosi. 
  • Defunded Joe Biden’s army of 87,000 IRS agents. 
  • Ended proxy voting. 
  • Eliminated the Military Vaccine Mandate. 
  • Established the bipartisan Select Committee on China to work toward protecting and strengthening America for the next century against the threats we face from a rising Communist China. 
  • Established a Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. 
  • Blocked Biden’s Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule. 
  • Stopped selling our Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to Communist China. 
  • Protected and strengthened America’s SPR.
  • Nullified DC's Soft on Crime Bill. 
  • Defended the right to life with the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.
  • Terminated the COVID-19 national emergency. 
  • Passed H.R. 5, the Parents’ Bill of Rights. 
  • Passed H.R.1, the Lower Energy Costs Act. 


  • 59 the number of bills House Republicans have passed. 
  • 5 the number of House Republican bills that came to the floor under a rule that have been sent to President Biden’s desk.
  • 3 the number of House Republican bills that came to the floor under a rule that President Biden has been forced to sign into law. 
    • This is especially notable since we accomplished this with a Democratic Senate and White House, while last Congress, they did less with one-party Democrat rule.  
  • OVER 235 Congressional hearings held. 
  • 42 Committee hearings in a single day, a new modern-day record.
  • 7 Field hearings held. 
  • Biden officials testified OVER 235 times before Congress. 
  • OVER 500 oversight letters sent.
  • 34 Subpoenas issued.