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UPDATE: Pfluger & Hyde-Smith Lead Bicameral Amicus Brief in Challenge to FDA Chemical Abortion Regimen

Washington, D.C., April 14, 2023 | Lyssa Bell ((202) 225-3605)

UPDATE: U.S. Representative August Pfluger (R-Texas-11) and U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS) led 58 Members of Congress and 11 Senators in filing an amicus curiae brief to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. U.S. Food & Drug Administration.  The brief urges the Court to keep the Northern District of Texas’ stay of the FDA approval of the abortion drug mifepristone in place, protecting the health and safety of pregnant women and their unborn children.  The brief makes the same arguments made in an amicus brief the lawmakers filed in February (see below).


The brief filed late Tuesday, April 11, was signed by Pfluger and U.S. Representatives Robert Aderholt (AL-04), Chris Smith (NJ-04), Debbie Lesko (AZ-08), John Moolenaar (MI-02), Jake Ellzey (TX-06), Ron Estes (KS-04), Bob Good (VA-05), Dan Webster (FL-11), Glenn Grothman (WI-06), Michael Cloud (TX-27), Michael Guest (MS-03), Randy Feenstra (IA-04), Lauren Boebert (CO-03), Claudia Tenney (NY-24), Randy Weber (TX-14), Keith Self (TX-03), Kevin Hern (OK-01), Diana Harshbarger (TN-01), Mike Johnson (LA-04), Aaron Bean (FL-04), Trent Kelly (MS-01), Andy Ogles (TN-05, Jim Banks (IN-03), Andrew Clyde (GA-09), Mike Bost (IL-12), Ralph Norman (SC-05), Jeff Duncan (SC-03), Mike Ezell (MS-04), Andy Biggs (AZ-05), Alex Mooney (WV-02), Mark Alford (MO-04), William Timmons (SC-04), Ben Cline (VA-06), Virginia Foxx (NC-05), Lisa McClain (MI-09), Mary Miller (IL-05), Roger Williams (TX-25), Russ Fulcher (ID-01), Tim Walberg (MI-05), Doug Lamborn (CO-05), Jerry Carl (AL-01), Doug LaMalfa (CA-01), Mike Kelly (PA-16), Andy Harris (MD-01), Warren Davidson (OH-08), David Rouzer (NC-07), Clay Higgins (LA-03), Russell Fry (SC-07), G. Murphy (NC-03), Nathaniel Moran (TX-01), Joe Wilson (SC-02), Michael Burgess (TX-26), Max Miller (OH-07), Bill Johnson (OH-06), Pete Sessions (TX-17), and Paul Gosar (AZ-09).


In addition to Hyde-Smith, the brief was also signed by U.S. Senators Mike Braun (R-Ind.), Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), Steve Daines (R-Mont.), James Lankford (R-Okla.), Roger Marshall, M.D. (R-Kan.), James Risch (R-Idaho), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Rick Scott (R-Fla.), and Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.).


A copy of the amicus brief filed Tuesday is available here:

Click here for the link to original release.