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Pfluger on H.R. 1: The “Big Oil” boogeyman doesn’t exist

Washington D.C., March 29, 2023 | Lyssa Bell (202-225-3605)
Tags: Energy

WASHINGTON, DC – Wednesday, Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) spoke on the House Floor in support of H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act.


Excerpts and highlights from Rep. Pfluger below:

I rise today to support H.R. 1, the most important bill and the priority for this Congress.


When I came to Congress, I made it my mission to spread the word about the Permian Basin, the heartbeat of American energy, the largest secure supply of oil and gas.


I'm incredibly proud to represent the men and women of the Permian Basin who have revolutionized the way we produce energy in order to provide us with an incredible national security and economic asset.


Unfortunately, President Biden has demonized the very people that I represent, and he has demonized the people of West Virginia and Pennsylvania. From his policies—like killing the Keystone XL pipeline and shutting down drilling permitting while begging for dictators to produce more oil, to his rhetoric—literally promising to ‘end fossil fuels.’ He has used every tool in the toolkit to build a bureaucracy that is completely obsessed and opposed to killing American energy.


His policies have driven energy costs and inflation through the roof.


I’d like to speak directly to the American public. You're going to hear a lot of misinformation about the inflation Reduction Act today, which did nothing to curb inflation.


Energy policies by this administration have increased costs for American families. Americans are being forced to pay 40% more on gasoline since the President took office and 20 to 30% more on their electricity bills. And it's all in the name of a climate crusade, which can't even come close to what the Permian Basin and other producing areas in this country have done to reduce harmful emissions and provide affordable and clean, reliable energy.


You know, in fact, I spoke to the president of IPAA [Independent Petroleum Association of America] yesterday. What we just heard was that the independent producers of America support Democrat policies. That couldn't be further from the truth. I asked them that. They said, ‘No, industry was not consulted.’


Over the past 10 years, we've brought down methane emissions by almost 15%. No government mandate could come close to that. And we're only beginning to tap into the incredible asset that is liquefied natural gas. Not only is it good for our economy, but it's good for the environment.


We heard this when we took this committee, the Energy and Commerce Committee on the road and we talked to Mayor Blong in Midland, Texas, we heard this from the producers.


Today we’re likely going to continue to hear about the ‘Big Oil’ boogeyman that doesn't actually exist. The truth is, and I'd like to face my Democrat friends and colleagues on the other side of the aisle and tell you what the IPAA told us, and what they continue to tell us.


90% of our energy is produced by small, independent producers, companies that have 10, 20, 30 employees. Big Oil? You're talking to the people of Texas when you say that.


When Democrats in this administration blame Big Oil, they're talking about my district.


H.R. 1, The Lower Energy Costs Act, is a complete rejection of the Biden administration's anti-energy policies that have been aimed at workers throughout this country for two years.


We're fighting back. We want to produce American made oil, we want to boost American products in order to reduce inflation.


I'm extremely proud to have worked on this legislation that includes my legislation to reduce taxes on natural gas.


This is just the beginning. House Republicans are going to follow through on our commitment to the American public by boosting American production instead of siding with Russia, Iran, or China.


I urge my colleagues to stand with America and pass H.R. 1.
