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Pfluger legislation cuts off Chinese infiltration of American universities

Washington D.C., February 23, 2023 | Lyssa Bell (202-225-3605)
Tags: Education
Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) reintroduced bipartisan legislation to put an end to the Chinese Communist Party’s influence in American universities. His bill, the Preventing Malign CCP Influence on Academic Institutions Act, increases transparency requirements for universities that receive funding from individuals, universities, think tanks, companies, or programs that have CCP members sitting on their boards of directors. The bill also requires universities that receive donations of more than $5,000 from any entities affiliated with the CCP to publicly report these donations to the Secretary of Education and be made available to the public on the university’s website.

Rep. August Pfluger: “The Chinese Communist Party is infiltrating American universities and stealing intellectual property, conducting military espionage, intimidating Chinese dissidents, promoting communist propaganda, and funneling information back to the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). It is imperative the United States sends a strong message to the CCP that this malign activity will not be tolerated.”

This legislation is supported by FDD Action, Athenai Institute, and Heritage Action. Full text of the bill available here.