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Pfluger Fly-By Newsletter


Standing against Socialist Spending

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November 19th, 2021
Standing against Socialist Spending
This morning I voted NO on President Joe Biden and Speaker Nancy Pelosi's Build Back Bankrupt Agenda - a reckless spending bill and tax increase that will sabotage the economy and hand over unparalleled control to the federal government.
This bill demonstrates that Democrats believe the government should control every aspect of our lives - from spying on our personal bank accounts to radicalizing our children's education. The Biden/Pelosi agenda massively raises taxes on all Americans, drives inflation, grants amnesty to over 8 million illegal immigrants, and provides for taxpayer funded abortions. It hires 87,000 new IRS agents to go spy on Americans, and saddles our children and grandchildren with at least $367 billion in debt.
Every Democrat who voted for this radical reshaping of our country voted against rural America, against energy producers, against farmers and families - and voted for tax hikes on all Americans, for amnesty for illegal immigrants, and for suffocating government control.
Build Back our Border
In opposition to the radical Build Back Bankrupt bill, my GOP colleagues and I gathered on the steps of the Capitol to rebuke the Democrats' socialist reconciliation package.
As a nation, we are facing the single worst border security crisis in history, and this socialist Build Back Bankrupt reconciliation packing is only going to make it worse.
Despite the complete and utter chaos along the border, House Democrats have buried proposals, including mass amnesty, into their tax-and-spend agenda that will encourage more immigrants to bypass our legal system and make the dangerous trek to our border illegally.
Instead of Building Back Bankrupt, we need to Build Back our Border.
Click here or below to hear my remarks against the provisions Democrats have included in BBB that incentivize illegal immigration.
Resolution to Strike Biden’s Vaccine Mandate
This week I introduced a Congressional Review Act resolution to nullify President Biden's outrageous and illegal COVID-19 vaccine mandate that is devastating our communities and endangering our freedoms.
I continue to hear from workers in all sectors of Texas-11 facing the prospect of being fired. From medical institutions facing losing hundreds of workers, to a pregnant mother who will be laid off because does not want to take the vaccine until after the birth of her child.
It is important to emphasize that I am not against the vaccine. I am vaccinated, and encourage every person to make the decision with their personal doctor if receiving the vaccine is right for them.
However, under no circumstances should the government be forcing the vaccine on the American people.
The mandate is clearly unconstitutional. It forces hard-working Texans to choose between their jobs and a personal medical decision. As we continue to face serious crises as a country, the last thing we need is a mandate that will exacerbate our problems.
I spoke on the House Floor in strong opposition to the mandate. Watch my remarks here or below.
Have you been personally affected by the vaccine mandate? What impacts are you seeing in your community because of this government overreach?
Let me know by clicking the button below and submitting your personal account:
Midland over Moscow
Thursday morning, I joined Fox & Friends First to discuss President Biden’s America-last energy policies and debunk the administration's myth that it has no control over the spike in cost.
The message from the White House is that President Biden only wants foreign production. He has waged an all-out-assault on domestic drilling—cancelling thousands of pipeline jobs, halting leasing on federal lands, and dragging their feet on permit approvals.
If we continue along this path, the President’s agenda will leave us cold, dark, and hungry. His agenda is emboldening our adversaries and harming our environment.
The President is signaling to the American people that he cares more about Moscow than he does about Midland.
Watch my interview with FOX and Friends First here or below.
I also spoke on House Floor this week, to shed light on the disastrous energy policies we continue to see from the White House. We need to be prioritizing our American energy producers, NOW.
Watch my Floor speech here.
Calling to Hear Your Questions
On Wednesday, I hosted a Telephone Town Hall and called out to over 60,000 constituents from the 11th District. Thank you to everyone who took the time to ask questions and discuss your concerns.
I heard from a mother concerned about government overreach in education, essential workers who are facing losing their jobs due to President Biden’s tyrannical vaccine mandate, and even a former Border Patrol agent extremely concerned about the swell in illegal border crossings.
If you missed the town hall and need to get in touch with me, please send me an email here.
Thank you for reading. It is the honor of my lifetime to serve you in Congress. Please follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for daily updates.
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Rep. August Pfluger
Member of Congress