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Pfluger Fly-By Newsletter


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November 12th, 2021
This week we observed Veterans Day - a day we pause to reflect, remember, and honor our service members who have exemplified bravery and outstanding dedication to their country.
Our nation owes a debt of gratitude to every service member who was brave enough to don the uniform and put their life on the line in defense of our freedoms. We must never take for granted their sacrifice, or the sacrifice of their family and friends, who have supported these service members and empowered them to charge forward in the fight for freedom.
Our country needs more of that selfless service right now, as we face many crises here at home and abroad.
We see these crises along our borders and in our classrooms, through uneasiness in our economy and rising prices, to emptying shelves and government mandates. We all feel the bitter division among family members and friends, acquaintances and strangers. We see the strengthening of authoritarian regimes abroad, energy crises rocking the entire European continent, and terrorist organizations seizing power in our absence.
Undergirding of all these crises is an ideological battle between freedom and control. The idea that families should make decisions for themselves, versus a mindset that the government knows better.
I stand firmly on the side of freedom, and I applaud all who stand with me. I am believing that the 19 million veterans in this country today, and the countless others who died in the fight, will be the catalysts that reorient our country back on track towards the pursuit of freedom and liberty.
Happy Veterans Day
Thank you to all of our veterans. Our country stands with you. Your bravery and courage are not forgotten. Your sacrifice is valued. Thank you for keeping America safe and secure!
If you or a veteran you know are in any need of assistance, please reach out.
My offices are open to help veterans receive the care they were promised and deserve. We work daily to help cut the red-tape at the VA, SSA, IRS, or any federal agency. We are also available to correct mistakes and help veterans receive the medals they earned during their service.
Please do not hesitate tocontact usif we can be of assistance to you.
Veterans Day in the District
On Veterans Day I had the pleasure of visiting multiple sites around the district to speak with our heroic service men and women who have dedicated their lives for our country.
At the Paint Rock School Veterans Day Program, a program that highlighted the sacrifices of our veterans and inspired our younger generations, I was touched by the patriotism of our young and upcoming generations.
I also had the opportunity to visit the Brown County Museum of History, where there is a newly curated special exhibit to highlight Vietnam Veterans. I am thankful for the opportunity to see the unique history that the Brown County Museum of History curated and I am also grateful to have a dedicated moment to reflect on all that our veterans have sacrificed.
Yesterday I also spoke at the 102nd Millersview Veterans Day event - a legendary event in the area to honor regional veterans and active duty military. It was an honor to be a part of this historic event and meet so many dedicated veterans and their loved ones, and it was particularly special to have been invited by my third grade teacher, Beth Grounds!
Special thanks all of the fantastic event organizers and volunteers for putting so much work into organizing this legendary tradition - I am grateful for the deep roots of patriotism that run through our district.
It was a huge privilege to be able to spend Veterans day with our community and to hear from so many patriots about their great love for our country and their deep sacrifices they have given to keep our country safe and secure. Thank you, Texas-11!
In Case You Missed It
Last week I had the opportunity to honor a few of our district veterans on the House Floor. I was touched to learn of the bravery and sacrifices of heroes like Bill Womack, Phil George, Maynard Schwertner, Gilberto Torres, and J.L. Stevens - all who served their country with honor and bravery.
Watch my Floor speechhereor below.
These are just some of the thousands of heroic veterans from our great district, and of the 19 million veterans around our country, who have served our nation with incredible sacrifice and selflessness.
This Veterans day, and every day, please know that our country stands with you, and I stand with you. You are remembered and you are honored.
Thank you to all of our veterans. Know that your commitment to this country was not in vain. Your valiance is not forgotten, and your sacrifices are valued. Because of you and your bravery, Camille and I can raise our daughters in a country that is safe and secure, and full of countless possibilities and boundless opportunity.
I am praying, and I am believing, that through moments like Veterans Day, when we are thankful for our blessings and united in patriotism, we can begin to heal our nation and work towards a better tomorrow.
Thank you for reading. It is the honor of my lifetime to serve you in Congress. Please follow me onFacebook,Instagram, andTwitterfor daily updates.
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Rep. August Pfluger
Member of Congress