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Pfluger Fly-By Newsletter


Ensuring the Biden Administration Preserves Their Documents

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November 4, 2022
Ensuring the Biden Administration Preserves Their Documents
Over the past two years, Democrats in Congress failed to conduct meaningful oversight or deliver accountability for the Biden Administration’s actions that are threatening the safety and security of Americans.
Republicans are committed to rooting out those responsible for these failures and requiring the White House to answer for its incompetence at home and abroad. To make sure we have all the pertinent information to conduct investigations, I sent letters directing the Biden Administration’s Homeland Security Officials to preserve documents related to the Administration’s disastrous failures along the U.S.-Mexico border and in its withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Specifically, the letters—sent to the Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Patrol, and Intelligence and Analysis Office—request all records and data about the 15,000-person Haitian caravan that arrived in Del Rio, Texas in September 2021, as well as the Administration’s failure to properly vet and screen Afghan evacuees who were brought into the United States as a result of the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan.
My letters put the Biden Administration on notice: do not destroy any documents. We will hold them accountable.
Standing up for a Secure Border
Americans do not feel safe. President Biden’s policies have emboldened the worst border crisis in history, with Texas suffering from the brunt of the crisis.The Biden Administrationhas failed our communitiesand abandoned our border patrol agents.
Republicans have a plan to secure the border.We must start by finishing theborder wall,equippingour law enforcement officerswith the tools they need to do their jobs, andend catch-and-release loopholes.
I joined Fox Business’s Mornings with Maria to outline our plan to get our country back on track and keep our families safe.
I joined Fox Business’s Mornings with Maria to outline our plan of how to get our country back on track and keep our families safe. Click here to watch.
Mobile Office Hours
Throughout our district this week, members of my team hosted various Mobile Office Hours. Thank you to everyone who took the opportunity to meet with one of my Regional Directors and get in-person assistance for any issues you are having with a federal agency.
It was great to have so much participation from Andrews, Garden City, San Saba, Ballinger, Goldthwaite, and Comanche. In case we missed you or your area, be on the lookout for Mobile Office Hours coming to you soon!
Students: Extended Deadline for CYAC
Calling all High School Juniors and Seniors: I have extended the deadline to apply to join my Congressional Youth Advisory Board!
Join my team to challenge yourself as you learn more about our government and the legislative process. Help map the path forward for our country.
Don't miss this opportunity. Apply today HERE.
The deadline to apply has been extended to November 15th. More information below!
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Thank you for reading. It is the honor of my lifetime to serve you in Congress. Please follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for daily updates.
Rep. August Pfluger
Member of Congress