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Pfluger Fly-By Newsletter


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January 7, 2022
Visiting the Border
This week, I visited our southern border in Del Rio with State Representative Brooks Landgraf, State Representative Andrew Murr, Ector County Sheriff Mike Griffis, and Kevin Sparks. We spent our time surveying the southern border and learning about federal border security efforts and Operation Lone Star, which directs State resources and Texas law enforcement officers to the border to combat the smuggling of people and drugs into Texas.
Thankfully, Texas is stepping up when President Biden and ‘Border Czar’ VP Harris refuse to step foot at the border. On this visit, we learned that the Del Rio sector saw more illegal migrant crossings in 2021 than in the past nine years combined. Without Texas’ border security resources, DPS officers, and law enforcement personnel—the chaos we are seeing along the border would be even worse.
It is past time for Democrats in Congress and the White House to quit playing politics with our safety. I will continue to put forward common-sense border solutions to protect the security of communities across TX-11 and the nation.
You can read more about our border triphere!
Vaccine Mandates Taken up by Supreme Court
This morning, the Supreme Court took up the case on the Biden Administration'sOccupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) requirement.
President Biden’s vaccine mandate is unconstitutional and the Supreme Court should strike it down immediately. Congress did not provide OSHA with the authority to force employers to mandate COVID-19 vaccines or testing. No worker should be forced to lose their job if they refuse to comply with President Biden’s tyrannical commands.
I joined over 130 of my U.S. House of Representatives colleagues and over 40 Senate Republicans in filing an amicus brief to the Supreme Court arguing that Congress does not grant OSHA the authority to require private employers to force their employees to receive COVID-19 vaccines or submit to weekly testing.
You can read the full text of the amicus brief by clickinghereor below.
COVID-relief Corruption
In less than two years, the federal government has thrown nearly $6 Trillion towards so-called “COVID-19 relief” efforts. Unfortunately, hundreds of billions of dollars were lost, squandered, and misused. In fact, less than 9% of President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, supposedly a bill to combat COVID-19, went towards public health spending to fight the virus.
Reports have exposed hundreds of billions being misused to build golf courses, luxury apartment complexes, weight rooms, and bike trails, award $3,200 stimulus checks to convicted inmates, and more. For example, instead of spending the $850 million intended to develop domestic COVID-19 testing capabilities—the Biden Administration repurposed the money for the historic illegal immigration crisis caused by their failing policies.
Despite President Biden’s promises to “shut down the virus” with exorbitant federal spending, the pandemic rages on. Cases have spiked to an all-time high in January of 2022, tests are incredibly difficult to find, Democrat cities are shutting down yet again, and millions of Americans are at risk of losing their jobs if they refuse to comply with President Biden’s tyrannical vaccine mandate.
Massive government overreach clearly cannot “shut down the virus.” Yet, President Biden’s administration is signaling that they will soon ask for even more taxpayer money in the name of so-called “COVID-Relief.” This is an outrage considering rampant waste, fraud, and the fact that nearly half a trillion dollars in American Rescue Plan funds remain unspent.
Americans deserve an honest and detailed accounting of where the $6 trillion in COVID-19 relief has gone. We deserve transparency. I will continue working to prevent wasteful government spending and hold the Biden Administration accountable for their failure to protect taxpayer dollars from being stolen and wasted.
Freedom from Big Tech Discrimination
When Big Tech puts their hand on the scale in favor of specific elite views, the very foundation of our country is threatened. It is clear that any speech that does not align with the political and media elites' message is subject to being censored.
I stand for transparency and accountability, and I stand ready to join my colleagues in protecting the free speech of all Americans - from educators, to physicians, members of Congress, and more.
In an effort to have honest discussions free from the tyranny of Big Tech, I have joined Gettr. I will continue to ensure that I will always be able to hear your thoughts and concerns.Click here or below to connect with me on Gettr!
Celebrating One Year as your Representative
This week, I celebrated the one-year anniversary of taking my oath-of-office to serve the 11th District of Texas in Congress alongside my incredible family.
In one year, I have authored 14 pieces of original legislation and co-sponsored over 130 bills to secure the border, strengthen election security, nullify vaccine mandates, promote the oil & gas industry, support farmers and ranchers, safeguard the Second Amendment, provide for Veterans, stand up for parents’ rights in education, protect the unborn, and more.
I have visited all 29 counties in the 11th District. You and I have gathered together at 26-in-person Town Halls around the district. We have reached 360,000 constituents through Telephone Town Halls.
My office helped rescue 650 people stranded in Afghanistan, responded to over 45,000 letters, emails, and phone calls, solved over 800 constituent cases, hosted 15 interns, flew 80 flags over the U.S. Capitol, and more.
Representing you and the priorities of the 11th District of Texas is the honor of a lifetime. Thank you for this past year together. I am thrilled to hit the ground running on this year!
In case you missed our year-end-report, you can check it outhereor by clicking below!
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Thank you for reading. It is the honor of my lifetime to serve you in Congress. Please follow me onFacebook,Instagram,Twitter, andGettrfor daily updates.
Rep. August Pfluger
Member of Congress