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May 6, 2022
Defunding the "Disinformation Governance Board"
Last week, we learned that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is creating a Disinformation Governance Board led by Nina Jankowicz—an outspoken liberal who mocked stories exposing Hunter Biden’s laptop and praised the now-debunked Steele Dossier.
The fact that the Biden Administration thinks she should be policing “disinformation” is beyond alarming and a threat to our Constitutional right to free speech.
In response, Iintroduced a billthat will completely defund the boardand affirm that the government does not get to determine what is true or false. The Department of Homeland Security should be focused on securing the border and preventing terrorist attacks, not fact-checking social media and censoring Americans.
Lunch with Odessa's Ms. Ann
This week, I had the pleasure to serve and share lunch with Elizabeth Ann Mafford, a 91-year-old who has worked at Chick-fil-A in Odessa for over 10 years. I also surprised Ms. Ann with a flag flown over the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.
Ms. Ann is a staple in Odessa – bringing joy to all those she encounters while working at 91 years young! It was an honor to serve her lunch and thank her for the work she does to brighten the Odessa community and inspire future generations. Thank you to Chick-fil-A in Odessa for making this wonderful visit possible.
You can see more pictureshere, or watch my speech on the House Floor honoring Ms. Annhere.
Thank you, Veterans!
It was an honor to host breakfast for some of the Concho Valley’s Vietnam Veterans in our district office this week.I want to say thank you to Perry Stevens, the President of the Vietnam Veterans Chapter 457, for the great work he does for veterans, and for presenting me with a plaque from the group.
If you are a veteran experiencing a problem with social security, the VA, IRS, or an federal agency, please call my office at (202) 225-3605.
Texas-11 will always support our veterans!
Energy Security is National Security
On Wednesday, I hosted Cathy McMorris Rodgers, the Republican Leader of the House Energy & Commerce Committee, in Midland for a tour of MCM Exploration's drilling rig and Diamondback Energy's hydraulic fracturing site.
The Permian Basin is the epicenter of oil & gas production in the Nation. We produce more secure, affordable, reliable, and clean energy than anywhere else in the United States.
I want to thank MCM Exploration and Diamondback Energy for giving Leader McMorris Rodgers and I a first-hand look at the innovation, entrepreneurship, risk, and hard work that goes into producing oil & gas.
Permian Basin is Energy Dominant
Halliburton is a staple in the Permian Basin. They have operated here since 1926–only three years after the Santa Rita well came online in 1923.
It was a pleasure to help celebrate them at the Wildcatter Dinner in Midland this week and tour their world class facility in Odessa.
Thank you to Chris Jerez & Casey Maxwell for giving me tour of the facility!
Standing for Life
I am proudly Pro-Life. This week, a leaked document indicated that the Supreme Court of the United States may vote to overturn Roe v. Wade—a 1973 Supreme Court decision that prevented the states from restricting or banning abortions. Since this heartbreaking ruling, over 62 million babies have been aborted in the United States alone.
Overturning Roe v. Wade would be a momentous victory for the fight to protect unborn life. Millions of pro-life Americans have advocated and prayed for this outcome for almost 50 years.
However, the Supreme Court leak must be investigated. There must be severe consequences for any attempt to intimidate the Judiciary. I am glad to see that Chief Justice Roberts is opening an investigation. We cannot let this go unanswered.
Meeting You in the District
This week I held three town hall meetings in Ballinger, Early, and Granbury, as well as a "Coffee with Your Congressman" event in Odessa.
Thank you to all who made time to come out and share your thoughts and concerns with me. Our district is home to the best people in the country, and it is an honor to represent you.
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Thank you for reading. It is the honor of my lifetime to serve you in Congress. Please follow me onFacebook,Instagram,Twitter, andGettrfor daily updates.
Rep. August Pfluger
Member of Congress