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May 20, 2022
Bill Defunding Confucius Institutes Passes Committee
For years, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has executed propaganda and espionage campaigns in the United States though Confucius institutes attached to American universities.
U.S. college campuses should not be allowing the Chinese Communist Party to funnel their research and intellectual property back to the Chinese government and their army.
I introduced theDHS Restrictions on Confucius Institutes and Chinese Entities of Concern Act,which prohibits Department of Homeland Security funds from flowing to American universities that host a Confucius Institute or maintain a relationship with a Chinese entity of concern.
This bill holds American universities accountable and ensures they prioritize their students’ education above partnerships with Confucius Institutes or Chinese entities of concern.
This week, my bill advanced out of the Homeland Security Committee. Congress must pass my bill to ensure taxpayer dollars are cut off from these programs for good.NO taxpayer dollars should go towards enriching the Chinese Communist Party.
Read more about the billhere, and watch my statement by clickinghereor below.
Addressing the Baby Formula Shortage
Right now, American families are struggling to find baby formula on the shelves, and the Democrats solution was to pass a $28 million payout to the FDA - an organization that has completely botched the formula shortage crisis.
I voted against this purely-messaging bill because it does nothing to address the current crisis that is striking fear in the hearts of countless young families across the country.
This bill will NOT put more formula on store shelves or hold the FDA accountable. In reality, the $28 million messaging bill:
  • Does nothing to force the FDA to develop a plan to address the shortage.
  • Fails to account for excess stocks of formula at federal agencies that could be directed to American households.
  • Fails to leverage the federal government’s existing transportation and logistics capabilities to address the immediate needs.
  • Gives the FDA an additional $28 million, when funds are already available to address this issue.
The Biden Administration is sitting on a billion dollars that the Secretary of Agriculture could use to address supply chain issues. Additionally, the FDA just received a $102 million budget increase, including an $11 million increase specifically for maternal and infant health and nutrition, two months ago.
In contrast, I joinedHouse Republicansin introducing legislation that wouldactually increase the baby formula supplyfor parents and prevent further crises by:
  • Allowing parents to order formula from safe countries outside the U.S.
  • Requiring transparency from the FDA.
  • Giving parents more choices by lifting FDA-imposed barriers that restrict new types and brands of formula from entering the market.
  • Enhancing accountability for recalls by forcing the FDA to notify Congress of recalls and provide a plan to address any supply issues.
As a parent of three daughters, I can personally understand how terrifying this shortage is for young families. I am urging my colleagues to come to the table and pass real solutions.
Republicans Shut Down the DHS "Disinformation Governance Board"
In a win for free speech, this week we learned that the Department of Homeland Security's Disinformation Governance Board is being shut down.
Most importantly, this is a huge win for our First Amendment rights secured by rightful outrage from mostly Republicans who exposed this horrible board.
I introduced legislation to defund the board alongside Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, Congressman Mike Johnson, Leader Kevin McCarthy, Congressman Steve Scalise, Congressman Scott Franklin and Congressman Scott Perry.
Condemning the Attacks on our Oil and Gas Producers
The Biden Administration is canceling domestic lease sales for drilling while simultaneously blaming oil and gas producers for the high prices caused by their policies.
This is amid attacks from Democrats on our oil and gas industry from all angles—this week with an attempt to redirect the blame for high energy prices: a direct consequence of their poor energy policies.
Accusing oil and gas producers, who operate in a global market, of “price gouging” is either a blatant misunderstanding of how the energy market works or an intentional attempt to smear the very workers and businesses who are working harder than ever to produce the energy we desperately need.
Explaining My Vote on the Ukraine Supplemental Package
Since being sworn into Congress a year ago, I have voted against over $5 trillion in wasteful spending. I’ve fought the Democrats on border security, inflationary spending, and a mis prioritization of matters of American national security. We know that Russian policy has been targeting the oil & gas industry—specifically the Permian Basin for years.
The question before us was truly one of national security. I voted to restock the United States’ depleted stockpile of weapons, to manufacture weapons in America, and ensure our allies will continue buying made-in-America weapons.
Additionally, I voted to further support U.S. troops stationed in Eastern Europe—all while ensuring EU countries pay their fair share. Ukraine is a test for the West. If Russia is allowed to destroy a sovereign nation, our adversaries in communist China will certainly be watching and the consequences will be dire.
Securing our Southern Border
Startling new statistics were released this week, in which the number of encounters at our southern border are shown to have skyrocketed during April - further proving that our border continues to be less and less secure under President Biden.
I will continue working to push common-sense legislation that will help end the the heartbreaking scourge of human smuggling.
View these statshereor below.
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Thank you for reading. It is the honor of my lifetime to serve you in Congress. Please follow me onFacebook,Instagram,Twitter, andGettrfor daily updates.
Rep. August Pfluger
Member of Congress