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Pfluger Fly-By Newsletter


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July 8, 2022
Working for You in Congress
I am excited to report on some of the successes my team and I have achieved in policy, communications, and constituent services since being sworn into Congress a year and a half ago.
One of the most important aspects of my role in Congress is advocating on behalf of anyone in the district who needs assistance with a federal agency.This month, my office surpassed 1,100 cases solved and $1.2 million returned to constituents.Half of my team members work full-time on constituent services like recovering lost social security checks, restoring rightful benefits and assistance for veterans, and cutting through bureaucratic red tape.
I have also introduced 24 original pieces of legislation to secure the border, promote Permian Basin oil and gas production, support service members and the military, provide for farmers and ranchers, and more. One of my bills, the Afghanistan Withdrawal Threat Assessment Act, which requires the Department of Homeland Security to report on terrorist threats to the U.S. posed by prisoners released by the Taliban after President Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal—was signed into law.
It has been a pleasure meeting with so many of you across the district and hearing your thoughts and concerns. So far, I have held 43 in-person public town halls and 9 telephone town halls to reach every corner of Texas-11. My office has responded to over 50,000 constituent calls, emails, and letters, and held 34 mobile office hours in addition to our n.
It is an honor to represent the best district in the United States standing up for our values and making sure the government works for us. Thank you for the opportunity to serve.
Nearly Half a Million Evade Arrest at the Southern Border
Newreportsshow that nearly 500,000 individuals evaded arrest and entered our country illegally in the last nine months alone.
At least 50 suspected terrorists have been CAUGHT so far in this fiscal year.I am very concerned with the number of suspected terrorists who could be among these nearly half a million got-aways.
President Biden’s policies have made our country less safe. I have introduced legislation to restart border wall construction, invest in advanced border security technologies, hire and retain border patrol agents, and more. Rep. Mayra Flores and I also sent aletterto the Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee demanding we hold an immediate hearing to address these concerns of terror threats.
President Biden and Congressional Democrats must come to the table to work with Republicans and secure the border. Read more about the border security work I am doinghere.
CEC Energy
It was awesome to meet withCEC Energyin Midland to learn more about their mission, as stated by their CCO Danny Cook, "To empower their teams to power their communities." That philosophy is always welcome in the Permian Basin.
CEC was founded in South Texas over 65 years ago and is now going on three generations strong. Since expanding to West Texas, they employ nearly 150 people in the region. Thank you CEC for having me, CEC!
Rocket Athletic Club in Midland
Danny Jordan at Rocket Athletic Club in Midland was kind enough to let me stop by and get some pointers on my swing as I prepare for the Congressional Baseball Game in a few weeks.
The Club is a fantastic asset to our community. In addition to teaching kids how to play softball and baseball, they offer art lessons and trade baseball cards.It was wonderful to stop by and learn more about Danny and his passion for teaching kids in Midland and developing their passions in sports and art.
Read more about Rocket Athletic Club in the Midland Reporter-Telegramhere.
Get to Know our Gold Star Fellow Cayssia David
Cayssia David is a fantastic member of our team who serves in the San Angelo office as a Gold Star Fellow. I sat down with Cayssia to highlight her work in the office and talk about some of the services our office provides.
Clickhereor below to watch and learn more about Cayssia's wonderful story.
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Thank you for reading. It is the honor of my lifetime to serve you in Congress. Please follow me onFacebook,Instagram, andTwitterfor daily updates.
Rep. August Pfluger
Member of Congress