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Pfluger Fly-By Newsletter


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August 5, 2022
Town Halls
I am so happy to have been able to spend a large portion of my week with you during our Town Halls throughout Lamesa, Andrews, Odessa, Colorado City, and Stanton.
Thank you to everyone who took the time and energy to come out! We had wonderful discussions on the state of our country as well as how we can look ahead to a future of energy dominance and economic prosperity.
I am grateful for the hosts of our Town Halls, and all of the wonderful leaders who are so dedicated to serving our communities. In particular, thank you to everyone who came to listen and provide feedback. You are the reason I am able to do my job. Your feedback enables me to best represent the needs of our community, and I am always here to listen to your comments.
If you were unable to make it, keep an eye out on our Facebook page for further upcoming events in our community. As always, my offices are here to assist you. Please email me if you need any help with a federal agency.
August's Ask August!
If you missed our Town Halls this week, I still want to hear from you! Please click the button below to ask questions about the state of our nation, my work on your behalf in D.C., or even request help with a federal agency.
I look forward to hearing from you and answering some of your questions in my next Fly-By!
West Texas Legislative Summit
This week was the 18th Annual West Texas Legislative Summit in San Angelo, hosted at Angelo State University.
I had the opportunity to co-host this year with Rep. Drew Darby and Senator Charles Perry. Our conversations included discussions on ways to unleash the energy abundance in the Permian Basin, ensure infrastructure needs for our rural communities, and combat the encroaching, overreaching policies coming from Washington Democrats.
There is a massive opportunity for West Texas to fuel the world, make America stronger, and bolster our allies. But in order to do so, the federal government must abandon the legislative assault on US energy production, permit energy infrastructure expansion, and end unnecessary and bureaucratic regulations.
It was an honor to speak up for our West Texas way of life. I want to thank my co-hosts, the San Angelo Chamber of Commerce, and all of our wonderful team members for their work in pulling off this event.
It was great to see so many of you there, and I am already looking forward to next year!
Leader of Al Qaeda Killed, Threat of Terrorism Remains
As a fighter pilot who spent years fighting terrorists abroad, I am extremely proud of the U.S. intelligence and military professionals for taking out the Leader of Al Qaeda in Kabul. Unfortunately, the attack confirms that Al Qaeda is again operating freely in Afghanistan following President Biden’s tragic withdrawal.
The resurgence of terrorists abroad is even more dangerous for our homeland given at least 55 known or suspected terrorists have crossed our border this fiscal year alone. We cannot be too vigilant when it comes to the safety of American citizens.
Community Leaders Start Young
I am continuously inspired by the way our community comes together and takes care of each other. Leadership and charity start at home.
Sadie Martin, an amazing 9-year-old from Odessa, raised $940 running a lemonade stand and donated it all to theWest Texas Food Bank!
It was incredible to recognize her generosity as the special guest at our Odessa Town Hall this week. Heroes like Sadie give me hope for the future of our great country.
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Thank you for reading. It is the honor of my lifetime to serve you in Congress. Please follow me onFacebook,Instagram, andTwitterfor daily updates.
Rep. August Pfluger
Member of Congress