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Pfluger Supports Care for children, expecting mothers, and new parents in Texas

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. August Pfluger (TX-11) voted for H.R. 8876, the Jackie Walorski Maternal and Child Home Visiting Reauthorization Act of 2022, that reauthorizes the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting program (MIECHV) for five years. Funding from the legislation will benefit the Children's Advocacy Center of Greater West Texas, Inc. as well as the First Five Permian Basin program through the University of Texas of the Permian Basin (UTPB).

Rep. August Pfluger Quote: “Children are a blessing from God. Home visit programs ensure that parents are well-equipped to care for their young children as they grow and thrive. I am proud to vote to advance this bill that will allow the life-saving work that our local heroes at the Children’s Advocacy Center of Greater West Texas and the University of Texas of the Permian Basin are carrying out to continue. The passage is even more special as the bill is named in honor of my friend and colleague, Rep. Jackie Walorski, who devoted her life to caring for those in need. ”

Heather Ward, CEO Children’s Advocacy Center of Greater West Texas, Inc.: “The Children’s Advocacy Center of Greater West Texas Inc. is grateful for the increased support provided through HR 8876, the Jackie Walorski Maternal and Child Home Visiting Reauthorization Act of 2022 that reauthorizes the MIECHV funding.  This funding enables us to provide the evidence-based Parents As Teachers home visitation program aimed at increasing parent knowledge of early childhood development and improving parenting practices.. Ultimately through the Parents As Teachers program we are able to work with families to identify child developmental and health issues earlier, increase children's school readiness and school success; and prevent child abuse and neglect.  We are grateful for the support of Congressman Pfluger and others who reauthorized HR 8876 that enables the Children’s Advocacy Center of Greater West Texas Inc to continue these services ensuring every child in our community has a safe and nurturing home.”

Jordan Sosa, Program Director of the First 5 Permian Basin Program at the University of Texas Permian Basin: “Families in West Texas are growing and thriving but they do need support. As their child’s first teacher, parents are building up the future members of our communities to be successful. It’s important that we have resources to support them and empower them with skills along that journey. First 5 Permian Basin is proud to walk alongside parents and the community in supporting our youngest children and the parents that are working so hard to give them a strong start at life.”

Administered by the Health Resources & Services Administration, the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program supports low-income pregnant women, parents, and young children in need. H.R. 8876 reauthorizes the program for five years, increases funding while establishing a state match to help further boost the overall source of funding for the program and keep states accountable, and requires additional guardrails and outcome reporting requirements to preserve the overall integrity of the program.

CLICK HERE to read a summary of the legislation courtesy of the House Ways & Means Committee.

CLICK HERE to view the full bill text