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Pfluger: Power grid at risk from Russian cyberattacks and blackouts

WASHINGTON, DC – This week, Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) sent a letter to Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm demanding answers from the Biden Administration on their plan to prepare for and prevent dangerous electricity blackouts that the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) is predicting for summer 2022.

In the letter, Congressman Pfluger warns that increased threats to our power grid from rogue actors like Russia, combined with reserve capacity shortages, risk setting off a nationwide reliability crisis.

Rep. August Pfluger: “Summer blackouts are coming because our policymakers have made our country totally reliant on unreliable energy sources. A decades-long smear campaign executed by green special interest groups against reliable thermal power sources like natural gas and nuclear has led to short-sighted policies that discourage the creation of reliable base load sources for our grid.

“Having enough energy to keep the lights on in America should be one of our fundamental responsibilities, but I’m afraid the powers that be have taken their eye off the ball when it comes to maintaining a stable, reliable grid. This is not partisan. The U.S. government should be laser-focused on ensuring we have enough energy to power the American economy.”

Read the Washington Examiner’s coverage of the letter and some of Representative Pfluger’s actions to secure the energy grid here.

Read Pfluger’s full letter here