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Pfluger: Protect Life and Protect the Hyde Amendment

Wednesday, Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) spoke on the House Floor defending the Hyde Amendment, a 1976 provision that prevents taxpayer dollars from being used to fund abortions. The Hyde Amendment is under attack by the Biden Administration and congressional Democrats who are actively moving to repeal the provision.

Watch Congressman Pfluger’s remarks here. Transcript available below.

“Mr. Speaker,

“I rise today in defense of the precious lives of our unborn.

“Last week, my colleagues in the Appropriations Committee voted to authorize taxpayer-funded abortions by passing a spending bill that omits the Hyde Amendment.

“The Hyde Amendment prohibits taxpayer dollars from being used to fund abortions and has saved an estimated 2.5 million lives. It has been included in every appropriations package since 1976, until now.

“The move to eliminate Hyde is another blatant attack on the sanctity of life, following this administration’s budget proposal that has also failed to include the Hyde Amendment and other pro-life policies in federal programs.

“This is a crucial moment for us all to uphold the inherent dignity of human life. Every unborn child should have the right to life. There are few greater priorities.

“I will continue to do everything in my power to protect the vulnerable, safeguard taxpayer consciences, and preserve the sanctity of life. We must protect the Hyde Amendment.”