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Congressman Pfluger: Defending the Unborn

Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) released a statement declaring his support for pro-life policies and prioritizing protections for all unborn children:

“The beginning of each year marks a period of reflection for the more than 62 million lives lost to abortions,” says Congressman Pfluger. “There is no greater priority than upholding the inherent dignity of human life. Today I am reaffirming my commitment to support pro-life policies and give a voice to the voiceless. I will do everything in my power to protect and defend the unborn.”

Congressman Pfluger has co-sponsored seven pro-life bills and signed onto two letters pledging his support for pro-life policies:

Protecting Life in Crisis Act

Prohibits funds meant for federal COVID-19 response from going towards abortions or abortion coverage.

Title X Abortion Prohibition Act

Prevents the Department of Health and Human Service (HHS) from providing federal family planning grants or funds to entities that perform abortions. While federal statute currently prevents taxpayer dollars from being used "in programs where abortion is a method of family planning," these programs can nevertheless share the same facility, staff, and waiting room as facilities performing abortions. As a result, in spite of performing hundreds of thousands of abortions every year, organizations like Planned Parenthood can still receive tens of millions of dollars in taxpayer money annually.

Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

Requires medical professionals to provide immediate care for children who survive abortion procedures and would allow those who do not provide care to face criminal charges. It also gives the mother of the abortion survivor a civil cause of action and protection from prosecution.

Second Chance at Life Act

Ensures that a woman seeking a chemical abortion is informed that it may be possible to reverse the intended effects of the abortion if the woman changes her mind.

Defund Planned Parenthood Act

Prohibits, for a one-year period, Planned Parenthood from accessing any federal mandatory or discretionary funds. Neither the parent company, its affiliates nor associated clinics, will be able to apply for or be reimbursed federal dollars unless they certify that they will not perform, or support other entities that perform, abortion. The legislation authorizes $235 million to be reallocated to the thousands of comprehensive community health centers which do not perform abortions.

Protecting Individuals with Down Syndrome Act

Prohibits the performance of an abortion with the knowledge that a pregnant woman is seeking an abortion, in whole or in part, based on the belief that her unborn child has Down Syndrome.

The Protecting Life in Foreign Assistance Act

Makes the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance (PLGHA) policy, also known as the Mexico City Policy, permanent. The PLGHA was first established by President Ronald Regan and prohibits foreign assistance from going to foreign nongovernmental organizations that promote or perform elective abortions.

Save Hyde Letter

Expresses unified GOP opposition to Congressional Democrats’ efforts to repeal the Hyde Amendment and other current-law pro-life appropriations provisions.

Mexico City Policy Letter

The Biden Administration ended the pro-life policy known as the Mexico City Policy or Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance. PLGHA affirms respect for unborn life in foreign aid funding by requiring foreign nongovernmental organizations (NGOS) to agree, as a condition of their receipt of US federal grant money, to neither perform or promote abortion as a method of family planning overseas.