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Reps. Pfluger, Mann, McCarthy Lead Letter Urging President Biden to Hold China Accountable

U.S. Representatives August Pfluger (TX-11), Tracey Mann (KS-01), and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy led 57 of their Republican colleagues in sending a letter to President Biden to make the U.S.-China agricultural trade relationship more balanced and reciprocal.

More than two years ago, the United States and China signed a two-year Phase One trade deal that required China to make structural reforms to its trade regime and import $73.9 billion of U.S. agricultural products in 2020 and 2021 combined. Today, China has failed to live up to that commitment by $16 billion.

“America must enforce our agreements," said Rep. August Pfluger. "I am proud to join my colleagues in calling on President Biden to hold China accountable for their Phase One commitments. This administration must take immediate action and stand up for the agricultural producers that feed and clothe our nation. It’s time to put the United States first and stand up to our adversaries.”

"President Biden either needs to force China to comply with their end of the agreement or punish them for failing to do so. That's how deals work," said Rep. Tracey Mann. “This administration must address the full suite of issues in a comprehensive and holistic manner and hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable for treating America and its farmers, ranchers, and agricultural producers like a doormat. My colleagues and I are calling for immediate action.”

In the letter, the members express their deep concerns with China not holding up their end of the agreement and urge President Biden, U.S. Secretary Thomas J. Vilsack, and U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai to immediately rectify the situation and stand for U.S. agricultural producers. They state that the U.S. must fully enforce the agreement and receive damages from China for China’s failure to perform.

Click here to view the full text of the letter.