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Congressman Pfluger Introduces Proposal to Balance Budget

Wednesday, Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) joined the Republican Study Committee in introducing an alternative budget for fiscal year 2022. The budget serves as a blueprint for conservative governance that will work to reshape our budget and boost the American economy.

“Democrats have only been in charge for five months and they are already wrecking our economy,” said Congressman Pfluger. Inflation is rising, job growth is stalling, the national debt continues to skyrocket, and House Democrats continue to wrongly pursue trillions in crippling tax hikes that will harm Texas farmers and ranchers, businesses, and families. And all for what? Our children and grandchildren will be paying the price for these disastrous policies. I am proud to join my Republican colleagues in proposing a solution that would balance the federal budget and cut spending by $14.4 trillion in 10 years, all while reducing taxes on American families by $1.9 trillion. The scope of our federal government must be radically decreased, and this budget is a solution that will benefit all Americans.”

The Republican Study Committee’s budget puts the U.S. on a path to fiscal sanity while championing the same pro-growth policies that led to the historic economy we experienced under President Trump.

It serves as a stark contrast to House Democrats who have forgone their obligation to produce a budget at all.