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Pfluger Urges Governor Abbott to Push Back Against Biden’s Tyrannical COVID-19 Orders

 – Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) joined members of the Texas delegation in urging Governor Greg Abbott to take any necessary action to push back against President Biden’s tyrannical COVID-19 vaccination mandate. Last week, President Biden ordered private companies with more than 100 employees to require COVID-19 vaccinations.

“President Biden’s vaccination mandates are a flagrant overreach of his Presidential power,” said Congressman Pfluger. “While I am supportive of the vaccine and am vaccinated myself, I believe that American citizens have an inalienable, unnegotiable right to choose for themselves. These choices sometimes do come with risk, but the Constitution grants individuals the personal liberty to decide what is best for them and their family. For President Biden to institute a blanketed, far-reaching mandate, regardless of any concerns or questions they may have, is deeply troubling and will only stoke further vaccine hesitancy and division. Texas Republicans are urging the Governor to utilize any power or tools at his disposal to prevent the government from trying to interject in deeply personal decisions.”