As a 20-year Air Force veteran who flew dozens of combat missions over the Middle East and now a member of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee, it is heartbreaking to watch the destruction of Afghanistan—a place where we spent nearly two decades expending blood and treasure fighting the Taliban, denying Al Qaeda a terrorist stronghold, instituting democratic values, and building relationships with our Afghan partners.
Afghanistan is now burning. And the responsibility falls squarely on President Biden, who's decision to hastily retreat created the worst foreign policy catastrophe in decades—one that will have lasting impacts on America’s security and ability to engage our partners and allies for generations.
In his address to the nation, President Biden's words were nothing short of blame shifting and an inability to accept the realities of this situation. He shifted blame to the Afghan government, the Afghan people, and President Trump. But the world knows the truth:
Afghanistan is paying the price for President Biden's disastrous call.
As commander-in-chief of this nation, President Biden should be in the situation room day-in and day-out closely monitoring the ongoing situation. Instead, he remains on vacation hiding from the media and saving face from our allies, partners, and the U.S. servicemembers and their families all of whom he failed.
The unmitigated disaster in Afghanistan must be a wake-up call to every American. Our strength, our resolve, and our future as the world leader and defender of democracy is being tested in real-time. And President Biden is failing.
I grew up in the doctrine of peace through strength, and it worked. Biden’s Doctrine of “crisis due to weakness,” is forcing our nation to realize an incredible number of threats from every possible direction. Instead of protecting our country, President Biden and his administration are surrendering to our enemies and rendering us more vulnerable to all.
The Biden Doctrine revealed: Hear no evil. See no evil. Stop no evil.
A president is supposed to lead us into safety and prosperity. President Biden is leading us into crisis after crisis. Afghanistan fell because of his posture of weakness.
Read my op-ed on Afghanistan here.