Co-Sponsored Legislation:
Border Security Reimbursement Act
Introduced by Rep. Dan Crenshaw (TX-02)
This legislation would reimburse states like Texas who have spent significant resources on enforcing federal immigration laws, which is a responsibility of the federal government. The Border Security Reimbursement Act would reimburse states who have spent more than $2.5B on border security in the last 10 years.
The Death Tax Repeal Act
Introduced Rep. Jason Smith (MO-3)
This bill would protect family-owned businesses, farms, and ranches from being hit with a hefty tax in the event a loved one dies. The Death Tax Repeal Act would allow farmers, ranchers, and small business owners to expand their operations, invest in their employees, and upgrade their infrastructure and technology instead of worrying about their loved ones being hit with a the estate tax.
Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act of 2021
Introduced by Rep. Kat Cammack (FL-03)
This bill would reassert Congress' legislative authority and prevent excessive overreach by the executive branch in the federal rulemaking process. It would require every new "major rule" proposed by federal agencies to be approved by both the House and Senate before going into effect. The bill would also preserve Congress' authority to disapprove of a "nonmajor rule" through a joint resolution.
H.R.1699 - To provide for congressional review of actions to terminate or waive sanctions imposed with respect to Iran.
Introduced by Michael McCaul (TX-10)
This legislation would empower Congress to review, and if necessary, block, any effort by the Biden administration to terminate U.S. sanctions against the Iranian regime.
The Reopen Schools Act
Introduced by Ashley Hinson (IA-01)
Keeping our schools closed is a disservice to students, parents, and teachers. In-person learning can be done safely with the right precautions and safety measures. That is why Congress specifically appropriated this funding to ensure schools can reopen while keeping students and teachers safe. This bill would condition state COVID relief grants for education on schools reopening so that students can get back in the classroom safely.
Rights-of-Way Letter
I joined my colleagues in sending a letter to Acting Secretary of Interior Scott de la Vega concerning the delay of permits for rights-of-way on federal lands. Permitting delays for oil & gas operations put thousands of American jobs at risk. These delays also increase the possibility for multiple types of environmental hazards, such as producers needing to flare associated gas production and increased truck hauling of produced oil and water.
Letter to Secretary Blinken on Nord Stream II
This letter, spearheaded by GOP Members on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, expresses deep concerns about the Biden Administration’s implementation plans for the congressionally-mandated Nord Stream 2 sanctions, and requests an assessment on an updated list of entities reportedly engaging in sanctionable activity related to the pipeline, as well as more information on the “evidentiary threshold” the State Department is using when weighing additional sanction designations.
Letter to DHS Secretary Mayorkas and HHS Acting Secretary Cochran
During a Committee on Homeland Security Hearing, Secretary Mayorkas admitted that it was a failure on the part of DHS to not communicate and collaborate properly with local and state officials before making the decision to move up to 700 illegal migrant children into Midland county. After the hearing, I sent a letter to DHS Secretary Mayorkas and HHS Acting Secretary Cochran demanding answers to several more of my questions including including how long they will be there, if more are on the way and implications on the spread of coronavirus.