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Pfluger Fly-By Cuba is Showing Us in Real Time that Socialist Takeovers Don't Work

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Cuba is Showing Us in Real Time that Socialist Takeovers Don't Work

For over 60 years, Cuba has been oppressed by the worst impulses of a rough regime and the failed promises of communist propaganda. Cubans have had enough. They are shouting ‘Libertad’ in the streets, they are waving the American flag, and they are standing for FREEDOM—they are not protesting an "embargo" or for COVID vaccines as Democrats have claimed. This administration continues to downplay the severity of these protests, but Cuba is showing us in real time that massive government control over society does not work.

Instead of throwing the door open for coyotes and cartels at our southern border, President Biden must take decisive action to bolster the pro-democracy movement and support the brave Cubans fighting in their own streets for liberty.

This week, I participated in a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on the significance of bolstering freedom and standing firm against communism. In the hearing, I was able to stress the importance of standing with the brave Cubans who are risking their lives for freedom and liberty.

WATCH me question Ms. Rosa María Payá Acevedo, the Director of Cuba Decide here or below.

We Must Protect Life and Protect the Hyde Amendment

This week, I spoke on the House Floor defending the Hyde Amendment, a 1976 provision that prevents taxpayer dollars from being used to fund abortions. The Hyde Amendment is currently under attack by the Biden Administration and congressional Democrats who are actively moving to repeal the provision.

Hyde has saved an estimated 2.5 million lives, and the move to repeal it is a blatant attack on the sanctity of life. Every unborn child should have the right to life. There are few greater priorities.

I will continue to do everything in my power to protect the vulnerable, safeguard taxpayer consciences, and preserve the sanctity of life. We must protect the Hyde Amendment.

Watch my floor speech here or below.

Introduced a Resolution Declaring Support for DHS, ICE, and CBP

I am proud to join with 64 of my Republican colleagues declaring support for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Sadly, this measure is necessary following calls from House Democrats to defund DHS.

Democrats are not only turning their backs on the DHS, ICE, and CBP agents, who are tasked with protecting our border and Nation by calling to defund their departments, but are putting the Americans they swore to protect at risk. I'm proud to join with other House Republicans, who are grateful for the sacrifice these officers make every day, and stand ready to provide funding, resources, and man-power to combat this ever-escalating border crisis.

Read the resolution here.

Mitigating the Threat Caused by Terrorist Financing in the Digital Age

I participated in a Homeland Security Committee hearing on terrorism and digital financing as the Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Intelligence and Counterterrorism.

While I was serving overseas, I saw firsthand the death and destruction that terrorist organizations cause. We must guarantee that foreign terrorist organizations do not have the resources to expand their operations and bring the fight to the homeland. Cutting off their access to financing is key here.

I'd like to thank the witnesses Assistant Director Jeremy Sheridan from the Office of Investigations at the Secret Service, Assistant Director John Eisert from Investigative Programs at HSI, and Acting Deputy Under Secretary Stephanie Dobitsch from the Office of Intelligence and Analysis for a very informative and productive discussion on how we can mitigate the threat of global terrorism amid the age of technology.


Thank you for reading. It is the honor of my lifetime to serve you in Congress. Please follow me on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter for daily updates.

By Upholding Nord Stream II, Biden is choosing Russia over American allies

This week, a report came out that the Biden Administration is silencing Ukrainian opposition to the Nord Stream II pipeline—a move that would strip Ukraine and other Eastern European nations of energy independence and allow them to be reliant on Russia for energy.

The Biden Administration’s toothless attempts to appease Putin, at the expense of Ukraine and other strategic partners and allies, only emboldens our adversaries and undermines trust in American resolve. We must stand strong with those most susceptible to the malign influence and coercion of the Putin regime.

ALLIES Act Passes the House

I'm thrilled about the passage of H.R. 3985, the Allies Act of 2021, a bill that will expedite the Visa approval process for Afghani translators and allies who aided U.S. military forces during the Afghanistan War. 

Tragically, hundreds of Afghan allies and their family members are being killed by the Taliban while waiting for visa approval. These are heroes who played a crucial role in helping American forces during the war in Afghanistan. They fought and died alongside Americans, putting a target on their own backs, with the understanding that the United States would stand by them.

Sadly, President Biden’s hasty withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan has put these heroes in even more danger. Our Nation has a duty to follow through on our promises and honor our shared commitments to these loyal allies. I am proud to see this measure pass in order for us to bring these heroes and their families to safety.

Speaker Pelosi Turned the January 6 Committee into a Partisan Sideshow

This week, Speaker Pelosi denied two Republican members—Jim Banks and Jim Jordan—from serving on the January 6 Committee. No surprise here. This stunt confirms that Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats do not want a real and robust investigation into what went wrong with Capitol security on January 6. Instead, they are doing everything in their power to ensure the committee is partisan, biased, and reaches their predetermined outcome.

Unfortunately, Nancy Pelosi is only interested in a one-sided investigation. Is the Speaker afraid Jim Banks and Jim Jordan might question her mismanagement of the Capitol?

Supporting Meaningful Legislation

In this Congress, I have sponsored 10 original pieces of legislation and co-sponsored 94 important bills that I believe further the values of our district.

You can see a full list of the legislation I am supporting at this link, but below are a few of the bills I have supported recently:

H.Res. 548, Resolution denouncing the horrors of socialism

Sponsored by Maria Elvira Salazar

This resolution outlines several historical examples of the greatest crimes and tragedies of socialism, and why such a system goes against the founding principles of our great nation. It specifically highlights examples in: USSR, China, Cambodia, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela.

H.R. 4607, the Protecting Life on College Campus Act

Sponsored by Chip Roy (R-TX)

This bill would prohibit federal funding to universities that provide chemical abortion drugs to students. 

  H.Res 540, Resolution on Texas Democrats

Sponsored by Beth Van Duyne (R-TX)

The resolution urges the Sergeant at Arms of the House, the United States Capitol Police, and Department of Justice to cooperate with the Texas Department of Public Safety in their efforts to return Democrat members to Texas.

H.Res. 527, Resolution expressing solidarity with Cuban people

Sponsored by Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL)

This resolution calls on the Biden Administration to advocate for the release of political prisoners and ensure that international partners hold regime officials accountable for violence against the unarmed people of Cuba.

 H. Res. 502, a Resolution supporting Abbott’s Border Wall Construction

Sponsored by Randy Weber (R-TX)

The Federal Government’s inaction has directly impacted Texas, leading Governor Greg Abbott to pursue Texas’ own border wall to ensure the safety of the State. While Texas and other southern border States are merely the front line, illegal immigration is a problem that affects every State, regardless of proximity to the border, and requires the attention and action of all Governors.

 H.R. 4247, the Supporting Disabled National Guardsmen Act

Sponsored by Stephanie Bice (R-OK)

The bill would ensure that National Guardsmen who are catastrophically injured on State Active Duty are eligible for VA medical care for those specific injuries as well as DoD disability pension when they are injured so severely that they are unable to continue serving.

H.R. 4327, the Protect American Trade Secrets Act

Sponsored by Jay Obernolte (R-CA)

This bill clarifies that the Defends Trade Secrets Act applies extraterritorially to ensure that U.S. companies can protect their trade secrets from misappropriation occurring overseas

H.R. 4321, the Put Our Neighbors to Work Act

Sponsored by Andy Kim (D-NJ)

Local contractors and small businesses continue to stress difficulty with being cut out of the hiring process for military construction (MilCon) contracts with DoD. The DoD’s current award process does not do enough to prioritize utilizing local labor for construction projects on military bases that are so critical to many of the surrounding communities. The Put our Neighbors to Work Act attempts to address this by putting in place good government measures and providing incentives for the use of local business for MilCon contracts within DoD.

Signing Important Letters

Letter on White House Censorship

Led by Cathy McMorris Rogers (R-WA)

This letter expresses concerns with the administration’s actions undermining First Amendment principles by pressuring private companies to censor free speech. On July 15, 2021, White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, announced that the administration is “in regular touch with” social media platforms and “flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation.” The federal government’s ongoing efforts to pressure private companies to censor speech that it disagrees with is alarming and an affront to the First Amendment.

Letter to President Biden on fired CBP Chief

Led by Ranking Member Katko (R-NY)

There is grave concern over the removal of U.S. Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott, whose dismissal further undermines our confidence in the Administration’s commitment to securing the Southwest Border and addressing the security and humanitarian crisis that continues to unfold. As the highest-ranking official within the United States Border Patrol (USBP), Chief Scott has been charged with overseeing domestic border security operations between Ports of Entry, including thousands of miles along the Southwest Border.

Letter to Democratic World Leaders on Cuba

Led by Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL)

Across Cuba, the people continue to peacefully protest against communist rule, and demand the freedom, liberty and basic human rights which the brutally oppressive communist Cuban regime has stolen from them for decades. In concerted solidarity with the Cuban people, my Republican colleagues and I sent a letter to Democratic world leaders highlighting a number of essential actions that would promote freedom for the Cuban people and place further pressure on the corrupt and murderous Cuban regime to end its reign of terror.

Letter to President Biden on International Travel

Led by Bill Huizenga (R-MI), Brian Higgins (D-NY), and Kathy Castor (D-FL)

My colleagues and I sent a bipartisan letter to President Biden urging his administration to begin a science-based, data-driven effort towards safely reopening international travel to and from the United States.

Letter to Secretary Blinken of Passport Processing

Led by French Hill (R-AK) and Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA)

This letter highlights issues with the current passport application process and encourages State to take any and all available means to improve the service for passport applications.

 Letter to VA Secretary on Rural VA Healthcare

Led by Ronny Jackson (R-TX)

In a letter, we urged Secretary McDonough to prioritize and give his personal attention to the important population of veterans in rural areas.

Letter to President Biden regarding market access for energy companies in Mexico.

Led by Rep. Vicente Gonzales

President Lopez Obrador and the Mexican Congress recently passed two reforms to the Hydrocarbon Law and the Power Industry Law that severely increase protectionist policies for Mexico’s national energy companies. This can and will have severe impacts on U.S. companies’ investments in the region, will raise greenhouse gases, and drive-up energy costs for those living in Mexico.

Rep. August Pfluger

Member of Congress