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Bipartisan Group of Representatives Urge President to Keep U.S. Crude Oil Exports Policy

Proposed ban will affect prices at the pump ahead of holiday season

U.S. Representative August Pfluger (TX-11) and U.S. Representative Henry Cuellar (D-TX-28) led a group of colleagues in sending a letter to President Biden over reports that the administration is considering a reinstatement of a ban on U.S. crude oil exports. The letter comes amidst rising energy costs and demand for crude oil as economic activity has rebounded post-pandemic. 

The letter states, “We are concerned by the reports that the White House is considering reinstating a ban on U.S. crude oil exports, which would further widen the country’s trade deficit and lead to higher domestic prices….If the Biden Administration wants to alleviate the pain at the pump, they should turn to our own U.S. oil and natural gas resources for the solution and remove the policy barriers inhibiting domestic production.”

“Instead of considering an oil export ban that would devastate domestic producers, embolden our foreign adversaries, and drive-up prices on Americans, this administration should pursue policies that unleash affordable, reliable American energy,” said Congressman Pfluger. “We must put Midland over Moscow. Energy security is national security, and nothing is more vital for our prosperity. I would like to thank Congressman Cuellar for continuing to lead and advocate for American energy producers. Our energy policy must put American workers and families first.”

“Over the last few months, the United States has seen a rise in prices at the gas pump. As we begin to heal from the pandemic, we must be smart about policy to protect Americans from any additional financial strain,” said Congressman Cuellar. “I urge the Biden Administration to decide against a potential ban on crude oil exports to save jobs, keep money in our pockets, and protect our national security interests. Thank you to Congressman Pfluger and our colleagues for their unwavering support to maintain the United States’ energy independence.”

The Members of Congress are urging the President to resist the reinstatement of the crude oil export ban to avoid the following negative consequences:

  • Restrict the global supply of oil thereby putting upward pressure on global prices and potentially straining international relationships.
  • Limit access to a global marketplace thus discouraging new domestic production, restricting supply, and exacerbating future consumer cost for gasoline, natural gas, and electricity.
  • Create an imbalance between refining capacity and domestic production, introducing costly inefficiencies in the production of gasoline.
  • Pose serious threats to thousands of jobs, reversing an important bipartisan policy agreement during the Obama Administration.

“I strongly oppose a ban on U.S. crude oil exports,” said Congresswoman Carol Miller. “I appreciate this bipartisan effort to put the Biden Administration on notice. A ban on the export of our energy would lower production, increase prices for consumers, and risk the jobs of millions of hardworking Americans.”

“For nearly 40 years, the U.S. had imposed a ban on exporting domestically produced crude oil. I voted to end this in 2015 and President Obama signed it into law. This led to a historic energy boom and helped strengthen America’s energy independence,” said Congressman Bishop. “To maintain our energy independence, we must have a broad energy portfolio that includes not only wind, solar, electric, and nuclear but oil as well.”

“We’ve all noticed the higher prices at the pump but reinstating a ban on U.S. crude oil exports is not the answer,” said Congressman Vicente Gonzalez. “This policy would put American jobs in jeopardy and further strain our global supply chain—at a time when we cannot afford to do either. Now is the time to look to our own resources and support other efforts to lower prices for hardworking Americans.”

"During unprecedented times of supply chain issues and steep gas prices, a crude oil ban would be a disastrous step in the wrong direction,” said Congressman Tony Gonzales. We should not be relying on other countries for gas and oil when we have the ability to maintain energy independence in our own backyard. Now, more than ever, we should be incentivizing American-made, domestic production, rather than taking actions that would lead to a trade deficit and higher domestic prices.”

A copy of the letter can be found here.

Congressman August Pfluger, a Republican from Texas, is a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and Ranking Member of the Homeland Security Intelligence and Counterterrorism Subcommittee. Congressman Henry Cuellar, a Democrat from Texas, is a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee.