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Pfluger Fly-By Newsletter

Pfluger Fly-By: August 23, 2024

August 23, 2024

3,000 Cases Closed and $9.4 Million Returned to Texas-11

I am incredibly proud to announce that our team has accomplished a milestone in serving the constituents of Texas-11 by closing 3,000 cases and returning $9.4 million dollars to the community. This is money that federal agencies like the IRS, Social Security Administration, and VA failed to deliver.

We have six district offices across Texas-11 open full-time working on issues like recovering lost social security checks, restoring rightful benefits and assistance for veterans, and cutting through bureaucratic red tape.

If you need assistance with a federal agency, please visit our website at

VP Kamala Harris' Failure to Secure the Border

For the last three years, Vice President Kamala Harris has failed the American people by not securing the border. The Administration has allowed over 10 million illegal immigrants to enter our country—including known and suspected terrorists.

With the Vice President overseeing our border, politics have come before the safety of Americans. I penned an op-ed in the Washington Reporter calling out the Biden-Harris Administration and their inability to secure our borders. Read more here or below.

U.S. Supreme Court Halts Non-Citizen Voting

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) issued a decision to allow the State of Arizona to enforce its law requiring election officials to reject voter registration applications without proof of U.S. citizenship.

Non-citizens, illegal immigrants, and foreign nationals do not have the right to vote. Americans deserve confidence in knowing that only legal citizens are casting their vote in the United States.

House Republicans already passed the SAVE Act to ensure only Americans are the ones deciding our elections. It is past time for the Senate to take up our commonsense bill.

Odessa Chamber of Commerce Roundtable

During my visit to the Permian Basin, I participated in a roundtable with the Odessa Chamber of Commerce and heard from community stakeholders. I was honored to present a flag flown over the U.S. Capitol to the Odessa Chamber of Commerce CEO Reneé Earls in celebration of her receiving the Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives Arthur A. Roberts Distinguished Service Award.Across Texas-11, we are fortunate to have many small businesses that give back to our communities and leaders who are helping to spur economic growth.

President Biden Impeachment Inquiry Report Released

After a year of investigation, the U.S. House Oversight, Judiciary, and Ways and Means Committees released the impeachment inquiry report of President Joe Biden. I commend their work in uncovering the facts surrounding corruption in the Biden-Harris Administration and the Democratic party. All Americans must read this report. You can read the full report here.

Pressing the White House on 'Havana Syndrome'

I joined Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green (R-TN) in writing a letter to White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan requesting a briefing from the National Security Council (NCS) on the Biden Administration's response to the growing number of anomalous health incidents (AHIs), also referred to as 'Havana Syndrome.'

Havana Syndrome has affected more than 100 American diplomats, intelligence and military personnel, and their families. We must acknowledge the severity of this situation, and ensure our adversaries are not targeting U.S. citizens. Read more in the Washington Examiner here or below.

Wesley Vinson of Mason Earns Rank of Eagle Scout

Congratulations to Wesley Vinson of Mason for earning the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout and Eagle Award. Carol Cunningham of our Llano District Office was on-site at the Mason County Courthouse to present Wesley with a Congressional Certificate for this great accomplishment. As a fellow Eagle Scout, seeing the next generation of leaders who will serve our communities and country is inspiring.

Upcoming Service Academy Night

My office will soon be hosting a Service Academy Night for high school students interested in pursuing an education and military career through the U.S. military service academies on September 30th from 6:00-7:30 p.m.

The event will be held at the Angelo State University Houston Harte University Center in the CJ Davidson Conference Center, 1910 Rosemont Drive, San Angelo, Texas, 76901.

Students, parents, and educators are encouraged to attend! If you have questions or would like to RSVP, please reach out to Mary O'Connor in my office at

2024 Congressional App Challenge

My office is now accepting submissions for the 2024 Congressional App Competition. The competition is open to all 6-12 grade students in the 11th Congressional District of Texas and is an opportunity for students to develop their skills in computer science and STEM.

The deadline is October 24th, 2024 at 12:00 pm ET. Students can register and upload their app here.

Step-by-Step Video Guide

The Congressional App Challenge website has a step-by-step video guide that walks students, parents, and educators through the application process. Click here to access the video guide.


The winner from the 11th Congressional District, chosen by a panel of expert judges, will be featured on the House of Representatives website,, as well as on The winning app will also be displayed in the U.S. Capitol among other winners from across the country. Additional sponsor prizes to be announced.


· Students will create an application (aka app) for PC, web, tablet, robot, mobile, etc Any programming such as C, C++, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, or "block code" will be accepted.

· There are NO LIMITS on the application theme or topic.

· Students may work individually or in teams made up of no more than four.

Students are highly encouraged to review the competition’s complete rules and regulations on the Congressional App Challenge's website. For more information, please visit contact Kathy Keane in the San Angelo Office at

Thank you for reading. It is the honor of my lifetime to serve you in Congress. Please follow me on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter for daily updates.

Rep. August Pfluger

Member of Congress