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Pfluger Introduces Bill to Prevent Loss of Cell Service in Rural Communities

Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) introduced the Supporting National Security with Spectrum Act, which fully funds the “Rip and Replace” program to remove Chinese equipment from our telecommunications networks. Without full funding, wireless and broadband providers across the United States will be saddled with billions of dollars in costs that could result in service blackouts and companies closing down. Senator Steve Daines of Montana introduced the Senate companion legislation, S. 4049.

“There are over 6,000 sites across the United States in need of this funding, 341 of which are in Texas alone,” said Representative August Pfluger. “The Supporting National Security with Spectrum Act is vital to our national security and to ensure rural communities do not lose access to basic connectivity. If left unfunded, Chinese equipment such as Huawei and ZTE will remain in our networks, including near areas of strategic importance, such as military bases and airports. Rural and remote areas would be hit the hardest as networks could shut down and eliminate the only mobile broadband service provider for entire communities."

“Time is of the essence for Montanans who could lose 911 and cell service, and it is critical to our national security that we replace Chinese telecommunications equipment for our small and rural network providers,” said Senator Steve Daines. “We must get this done before it’s too late. Thank you, Congressman Pfluger, for taking the lead on this important bill in the House.


The Rip and Replace program was created in 2020 to remove Chinese components from our wireless communications systems. The Rip and Replace fund needs an additional $3B in order to finish its mission. The continued use of Chinese telecommunications equipment is a major national security concern, especially in areas that serve military bases. 

The “Supporting National Security with Spectrum Act” fully funds the Rip and Replace program by requiring the Federal Communications Commission to re-auction certain spectrum licenses that were recently returned to the Commission.

Click HERE for bill text.

Supporting Organizations

The bill is supported by the CCA - Competitive Carriers Association, NTCA - The Rural Broadband Association, NATE: The Communications Infrastructure Contractors Association, WIA - Wireless Infrastructure Association, WTA - Advocates for Rural Broadband, WISPA – the Association for Broadband Without Boundaries, ITI - Information Technology Industry Council, Rural Wireless Association, and TIA – the Telecommunications Industry Association.

What They're Saying

“CCA commends Congressman August Pfluger (R-TX) for leading the introduction of the Supporting National Security with Spectrum Act in the House. This critical legislation would address the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program's $3.08 billion shortfall, and it adds to the growing momentum in Congress to address this important issue. Congress must prioritize fully funding the Rip and Replace Program which is key to securing our nation’s telecommunications networks against foreign interference - including those serving rural areas, military bases, airports, and other areas of strategic importance. Absent full funding provided by Congress, tens of millions of Americans face network failures, complete loss of connectivity, and jeopardized access to emergency services. I thank Congressman Pfluger for his leadership in supporting and maintaining connectivity across the country, especially in rural areas and communities.” Tim Donovan, President and CEO of Competitive Carriers Association
"Now, more than ever, it is critical that broadband providers have the resources necessary to remove insecure equipment from our nation's telecommunications networks. The ‘Supporting National Security With Spectrum Act' provides the necessary funding to ensure that the United States' networks do not remain vulnerable to potential espionage and disruption," said NTCA CEO Shirley Bloomfield. "I thank Representative August Pfluger (R-TX) and the other sponsors for their leadership on this critical issue."
“Ensuring the security and resiliency of U.S. communications networks remains a primary goal for TIA, and we are pleased to see Representatives Pfluger introduce the Supporting National Security with Spectrum Act in the House. This legislation would fully compensate carriers nationwide as they work to remove untrustworthy equipment and replace it with equipment from trusted vendors so that their communities remain connected with high-speed networks. Absent these funds, many providers will have to make difficult decisions and reduce their existing coverage, so we urge Congress to act and fully fund this critical effort and remove any equipment that poses a known risk to U.S. security from our networks.” Senior Vice President of Government Affairs, Melissa Newman
“NATE: The Communications Infrastructure Contractors Association applauds Rep. August Pfluger (R-TX) for the introduction of the Supporting National Security with Spectrum Act this morning in the U.S. House of Representatives. This is a critical proposal to fully fund the Rip and Replace Program, removing Chinese components from our nation’s wireless communications systems. It is imperative to take this step to ensure the security of our broadband infrastructure. This important legislation would mitigate the real threat to our national security posed by insecure networks and devices. Congress must move forward to fully leverage the rip and replace program to protect Internet users. This companion legislation builds off of S. 4049, Supporting National Security with Spectrum Act originally introduced by Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) in the U.S. Senate. NATE looks forward to both the House and Senate moving ahead to address this issue and urges swift passage since the Association’s member contractor companies will be on the front lines conducting this rip and replace deployment work,” said President & CEO Todd Schlekeway.
In the Rural Wireless Association’s Letter of Support, the organization states: “The Rural Wireless Association, Inc. (“RWA”) offers its support for your introduction of the House companion bill to the Senate version of the Supporting National Security with Spectrum Act (S. 4049) so that the Federal Communications Commission’s Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act Reimbursement Program can be fully funded. … Participating carriers need additional funds immediately, beyond their pro-rated allocations, to continue maintaining their existing networks as they work tirelessly to rid their networks of unsecure equipment and services. The longer this program continues to go underfunded the more the Reimbursement Program costs will increase for participating carriers.”
“It is long past time for our nation to make good on the payments it promised carriers to rip and replace equipment in the name of national security.  WIA appreciates Rep. Pfluger’s leadership and recognition of the importance of this issue.  We also must continue to push forward and develop a comprehensive spectrum pipeline along with a long-term extension of auction authority,” said the Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA).
“ITI is pleased to endorse the Supporting National Security with Spectrum Act,” said ITI President and CEO Jason Oxman. “Fully funding the FCC’s rip and replace program is essential for ensuring continued connectivity in rural America and we support using spectrum auction proceeds to provide the overdue resources for trusted wireless network equipment. We appreciate Rep. Pfluger’s leadership on this issue and urge Congress to create more opportunities for commercial spectrum use.”
“We support the introduction of the "Supporting National Security with Spectrum Act” by Representative Pfluger.  The federal government must fully compensate companies that have been required to remove certain equipment from their communications networks to ensure the entire network is secure,” said Derrick Owens, Senior Vice President of Government and Industry Affairs. "WTA urges Congress to provide funding to the Federal Communications Commission so it can complete this important task."