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Pfluger Fly-By Newsletter

Pfluger Fly-By Newsletter: November 3, 2023

November 3, 2023

Repealing Biden's Natural Gas Tax

This week, I led 31 of my colleagues in urging Speaker Johnson and Senate Minority Leader McConnell to repeal the natural gas tax that was included in the Democrats' Inflation Reduction Act. The natural gas tax is extremely harmful for industries in our district and it will cause higher energy costs for every American. Republican leadership should use every avenue for leverage possible to repeal the natural gas tax and unleash American energy production. Read more in the Daily Caller here or below.

Speaker Pro Tempore

It was an honor to preside over the House Floor as Congress debated appropriations legislation to responsibly fund the government. Thank you for trusting me to represent the 11th District of Texas and be your voice in Washington.

Supporting Israel in their Fight Against Hamas

This week, the House passed The Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act to provide military assistance for our ally Israel in its fight against Hamas terrorists.

In the face of terrorism and anti-Jewish hate around the world, I am proud to support sending essential resources to our ally, Israel, in response to the horrific terror attacks orchestrated by Hamas. Israel has the inherent right to defend its citizens from acts of terror and aggression. This legislation underscores our unwavering commitment to Israel's security and sends a powerful message that we will not tolerate acts of terror against our allies.

Iranian Sanctions Enforcement Act

Iran is using its oil revenue to fund terror around the world—including Hamas’ barbaric terrorist attack on Israel. The United States cannot allow this behavior to go unchecked. I am proud to lead bipartisan legislation with Representative Panetta, as well as Senators Ernst and Blumenthal, to provide the Department of Homeland Security Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) with the tools they need to seize illicit Iranian oil sales and ensure this money can no longer be used to fund terrorism.

Since 2021, Iran has increased its oil revenue by $80 billion, which the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has used to fund Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah. For nearly two of the past three years, HSI was not able to conduct a seizure of illicit Iranian oil shipments. However, when it is empowered, HSI has a record of success.

President Biden Must Reinvigorate a Pressure Campaign Against Iran

I penned an op-ed in The Hill urging President Biden to apply pressure on Iran and ramp up domestic energy production to counter their malign activities in the Middle East. Click here or below to read.

Manor Park Town Hall

I had the pleasure of hosting a resident Town Hall at the Manor Park Retirement Community in Midland this week. Manor Park does a fantastic job of facilitating an independent living community for seniors. Thank you all for the engaging conversation about how I can further support you in your Nation's Capitol.

Reining in the EPA and Promoting Domestic Energy

The Biden Administration’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) extreme anti-energy policies and unchecked regulations have stifled economic opportunities, raised costs for Americans, burdened businesses and domestic energy producers, and increased our dependence on foreign adversaries like China.

House Republicans are working to fight the EPA’s radical agenda and combat regulatory overreach to protect our energy, economic, and national security.

Passed in the House today, the Fiscal Year 2024 Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act curbs the EPA's burdensome regulations and cuts wasteful EPA funding by nearly 40%.

House Republicans are restoring the proper checks and balances that rein in the EPA by:

  • Repealing the Biden Administration’s Waters of the United States (WOTUS) regulation.
  • Prohibiting EPA from allowing California to require that new small off-road engines, such as lawn care equipment, be zero-emission and prohibits funding for EPA regulations on light, medium, and heavy-duty vehicles.
  • Prohibiting funding for EPA regulatory overreach regarding ozone emissions and steam electric power plants.
  • Preventing EPA from imposing burdensome regulations on farmers using rodenticides to prevent animal disease and prevent crop loss on farms.

House Republicans are promoting domestic energy and access to critical minerals by:

  • Requiring offshore oil and gas lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska regions.
  • Requiring the Secretary of the Interior to conduct quarterly onshore oil and gas lease sales.

Midland Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

I stopped by the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce to visit with small business owners in our community. Thank you all for taking the time to meet with me and discuss the work being done on your behalf in Washington.

Thank you for reading. It is the honor of my lifetime to serve you in Congress. Please follow me on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter for daily updates.

Rep. August Pfluger

Member of Congress