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Pfluger Introduces LIZARD Act to Protect the Permian Basin

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  WASHINGTON, DC — U.S. Representative August Pfluger (TX-11) introduced the Limiting Incredulous Zealots Against Restricting Drilling (LIZARD) Act to strike the Biden Administration’s recent rule designating the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard as endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Listing the sagebrush lizard under the ESA is an…

Pfluger Leads Congressional Delegation Trip to Latin America to Investigate Threats to U.S. National Security

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Pfluger Leads Congressional Delegation Trip to Latin America to Investigate Threats to U.S. National Security WASHINGTON, DC — As Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence Subcommittee, U.S. Representative August Pfluger (TX-11) led a Congressional Delegation trip to Latin America to…

Pfluger Reports on the First Six Months of the Republican Majority

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Pfluger Reports on the First Six Months of the Republican Majority   WASHINGTON, DC —Monday, U.S. Representative August Pfluger (TX-11) released a report on the first six months of the House Republican majority. Rep. August Pfluger (TX-11): “It is the honor of my lifetime to serve the 11th District of Texas in…

Pfluger on SCOTUS overturning Biden’s Student Loan Bailout Program

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WASHINGTON, DC —Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) released a statement commending the Supreme Court decision overturning President Biden's student loan bailout program. Rep. August Pfluger (TX-11): “This ruling marks a crucial victory for fiscal responsibility, individual accountability, and the principles that underpin our…

Pfluger: Biden is Weaponizing a Lizard Against the Livelihoods of Texans

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WASHINGTON, DC — Friday, Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) released a statement slamming the Biden Administration’s U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service for its proposed rule listing the dunes sagebrush lizard as “endangered” under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Congressman August Pfluger has already introduced the Listing Reform Act, a bill to modernize the ESA and prevent it…

Pfluger Statement on SCOTUS Ruling Against Affirmative Action

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WASHINGTON, DC — Representative August Pfluger (TX-11) released a statement following the Supreme Court landmark decision barring colleges and universities from considering race in the admissions process. Rep. August Pfluger (TX-11): “The Supreme Court’s decision to ban affirmative action is a positive step toward ensuring no American will be rejected from an educational opportunity…

Pfluger: Biden Must Declassify ALL Intelligence Related to COVID-19

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WASHINGTON, DC —Representative August Pfluger (TX-11) released a statement after the Director of National Intelligence failed to release sufficient information related to the federal government’s report on the origins of COVID-19: “The truth about COVID-19 and its origins has been hidden from the American people for over three…

Pfluger, Colleagues Reintroduce Bill to Prevent Biden Administration from Declaring Climate Change a National Emergency

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WASHINGTON, DC — Representative August Pfluger (TX-11) along with U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Ranking Member of the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee, recently re-introduced the Real Emergencies Act, legislation to clarify that the President does not have the authority to declare a national emergency on the premise of climate change. Rep. August…